The French Perl Workshop in Albi or the Cathedral... and the Bazaar

The French Perl Workshop 2008 will take take place on Friday May 30th and Saturday May 31st at the Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, in Albi. In few steps from Cathedral of Albi (78 metre high, 8 century old), we'll try to build an friendly ambience for casual discussions.

The previous French Perl Workshops highlighted that the language can handle huge developments for the industry and service.

This year we'll try to focus on the capability of Perl to support scientists and teachers. Therefore we will set up a dedicated session on the topics: research and teaching.

Le programme (presque) définitif est maintenant établi : voir le programme.

Which audience for this conference?

Developers or not, knowing Perl or any other language, they'll benefit of the expertize of some of the best Perl developers and they'll see how to apply the power of Perl on lead projects.
Perl can be used in any of the research field, either to develop dedicated applications or to support lessons. During this workshop scientists are invited to describe of they use Perl or to discover how Perl can be used in their activities.
Why would you build your future with weaker and narrowing languages? Learning Perl will bring you the toolset to learn programming in many styles.
They'll discover a dynamic, open minded community!

To join the French Perl Workshop 2008, as a speaker or as auditor, please follow indications for inscription.

We need you!

We need you for this event to happen! Subscribe asap! Propose presentations! Come and meet developers and scientists who want to see your work, learn from you or help you! The sooner we'll know how many we'll be, the better the event! We need you to make it happen. Let's have a great workshop! Read from you soon!

Useful information

First, How to reach Albi.
The page for accomodations is now updated.
Fell free to use the wiki to let know your hotel and to plan your stay with others.


26/01/09 French Perl Worshop 2009

FPW2009 will be held in Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie Paris, France on 12th and 13th June 2009.

17/03/08 Web Site Opening

Web Site Opening.