There's More Than One Way To Dispatch It

By Martin Berends (‎mberends‎) from
Date: Friday, 11 June 2010 17:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: multidispatch perl6 rakudo

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Multiple dispatch allows you to write many subroutines or methods with the same name, but taking a different number of or different types of parameters. In this talk I will look at multiple dispatch in Perl 6, including:

* How to write multi dispatch subs
* Arity based dispatch
* Basic type-based dispatch
* Candidate sorting - how the winner is chosen in a more complex type hierarchy
* Using subset types to do multiple dispatch on values
* Handling ambiguity: the 'is default' trait and using a proto as a fallback
* The .?, .+ and .* operators

All illustrated with example code, which runs today in Rakudo.

Attended by: Laurent GAUTROT (‎lg‎), Emmanuel Di Pretoro (‎saorge‎),